Foto: Instagram @speciallady8253 Una mujer de 36 años de edad dio a luz sin que los médicos, o ella, se dieran cuenta de que tiene dos vaginas, dos cérvix y dos úteros  

Una mujer de 36 años de edad dio a luz sin que los médicos, o ella, se dieran cuenta de que tiene dos vaginas, dos cérvix y dos úteros.


Elizabeth Amoaa fue diagnosticada con útero didelphys en 2015,luego de años de tener que soportar terribles dolores menstruales.


Se informó que la mujer había entrado y salido de hospitales en múltiples ocasiones con calambres estomacales y sangrado abundante, esto desde los 10 años de edad; sin embargo, los médicos habían diagnosticado fibromas uterinos, crecimientos no cancerosos en el útero que causan síntomas similares.



La mujer originaria de Ghana se mudó a Reino Unido desde Francia en 2003, y logró quedar embarazada en 2010 de su hija Rashley, pese a que los médicos le habían dicho que sería difícil.


Amoaa indicó que era erróneo el diagnostico de fibromas, pues en realidad se descubrió tiempo después que tenía dos vaginas, dos cérvix y dos úteros; que pese a las decenas de escáneres que se le realizaron no fueron vistos.



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A little motivation: Great things never came from comfort zones. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. Every pain in your life has a purpose, always stay positive, be prayerful, have a kind heart and never give up. Thus, I never allow life challenges and setbacks define me, without them I won't have become the best version of myself🙏🏽👌. #Speciallady #thevoiceofthevoiceless #blessings #wonderfulness #great #neverguveup #uterusdidelphys #ovariancyst #africanwoman #mylife #mytestimony #advocates #grateful #inspirational #womb #gynaecology #purpose #awareness #reproduction #education #stereotype #labelling #charity #endometrosis #makingadifference #voice #opportunity #ovariancyst #fibroids

Una publicación compartida por Speciallady Awareness (@speciallady8253) el


Esta condición se da cuando dos tubos más pequeños no se unen en un sólo útero durante la formación del bebé, y crecen en dos estructuras separadas.


La condición aumenta el riesgo de aborto espontaneo, parto prematuro y sangrado durante el embarazo.



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Most people don't know what uterus didelphys means (2 wombs, 2 cervix and rarely 2 Vaginas passages) even though the condition is estimated to affect one in every 3,000 people women, and can have a significant impact on their lives. A woman with uterus didelphys can get 2 menstrual pains within a month. She is a high risk of preterm childbirth, stillbirth and miscarriages. Also, she tend to be prone to many reproductive health issues (Endometriosis, fibroids, Ovarian Cysts, infertility etc). Healthy eating and Healthy lifestyle can help such a patient to minimise her risks to these conditions. A surgery can be perform to shut down of the womb however, it is very complicated and only recommended to few patient who keep having recurrent miscarriages or stillbirth. When, I discovered that I was born with uterus didelphys (in 2015) it all made sense: why my daughter was born premature, why I had very low immune system, why I was always in and out of hospitals for infections.., why I wasn't getting pregnant without using any contraception, also why I kept getting women gynaecological issues (recurrent thrush, fibroids etc). Never ignore signs or symptoms of gynaecological conditions, rather seek adequate medical care and support. #Speciallady The Voice of the Voiceless #leowoman #Speciallady #charity #ghana #woman #lifetestimony #futureleaders #fighter #challenges #aimbition #goals #positive #mindset #maturity #focus #purpose #change #education #joy #africawoman #charity #endometrosis #hope #advocate #pictures #makingadifference #voice #endometriosis #amazing #education #doublewomb #treatment

Una publicación compartida por Speciallady Awareness (@speciallady8253) el


El descubrimiento se dio en 2015, luego de que Elizabeth abortara a su segundo hijo, cuando los doctores hacían una resonancia magnética para ver qué salió mal.


"Fue un shock, querés respuestas a tu salud, pero eso no era lo que esperaba. Nunca había oído hablar de alguien nacido con un útero doble, luego, en 2016 descubrieron que también tenía dos cérvix y dos vaginas", declaró.



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We come to diaspora to seek opportunities in order to learn, succeed and better our lives to return to our motherland to help improve or develop the country. Coming out as a woman with a double womb, double cervix and a double vagina holes also, suffers from endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts and secondary infertility; I knew sharing my story will cause a lot of confusion and negative comments. However, being able to reach out to educate and support people on gynaecological conditions, its prevention and its managements have helped me to deal with the psychological aspects of the conditions. Over, 4 years, having been admitted to hospitals many times, faced with traumatised situations, countless of surgical procedures, pains, anxiety, sleepless nights yet the good God ordained my steps. Therefore, the little I can do is reach out to others to improve their health, mindset and lifestyles. Each time, I educate and donate, the joy I feel is unexplainable, it's so fulfilling and rewarding🙏. I urge many of us to make a positive difference to contribute to develop our communities. Remember charity isn't about the amount of money you have in your bank account rather it's the LOVE you have in your HEART. I shall forever be the Voice of the Voiceless. #Speciallady @Speciallady8253 #health #fibroids#womb#charity#ghana#woman#lifetestimony#futureleaders#fighter#challenges#aimbition#goals#positivevibesonly#mindset#maturity#focus#purpose#change#education#joy#africa#charity#endometrosis#hope#advocate#pictures#makingadifference#voice#endometriosis#ovariancyst

Una publicación compartida por Speciallady Awareness (@speciallady8253) el





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