Una perrita border collie, llamada Patsy, se ha convertido en toda una heroína luego de que salvara a un rebaño de ovejas de los incendios que azotan Australia.


El hecho ocurrió en la víspera de año nuevo en la ciudad de Corryong y fue relatado por el dueño de Patsy, donde aseguró que los incendios asechaban el borde de su propiedad, poniendo en peligro al rebaño de ovejas.



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And here’s Patsy’s sheep, safe and sound today!

Una publicación compartida por Patsy The Wonderdog (@patsythecorryongwonderdog) el


Ante la amenaza del fuego, Stephen Hill, dueño de Patsy, reveló que comenzó a trabajar en compañía de su perrita para poder llevar a sus 900 ovejas a un sitio seguro.


La esposa de Hill ha apodado al can como "el perro maravilla", pues ayudó a que casi todas las ovejas, pacas de heno y dos granjas se salvaran.



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Many people have asked for the original video of Patsy to be put up, so here it is....when I stood in this burnt black paddock after the fire ripped through our family farm in Corryong, all I wanted to do was show our friends and family that we were ok, that we were still here, and that even in all the devastation we still had so much to be grateful for. So many others have lost quite literally everything they have. I never dreamed that these 20 seconds of Patsy in a paddock would spread across the world, and that me posting pictures of a little black and white dog would become my way to help my hometown recover from the worst fires in living memory. It’s funny how life works sometimes... These fires are not over. Not even close to being over. They will burn for weeks, months even, and communities all over Australia are going to be hit just like Corryong has been. Our fire season here isn’t even half way through, and it seems like nowhere is safe. It’s easy to feel helpless. But, it’s also easy to help. Make a donation to bushfire relief, no matter how small it is, trust me it will be appreciated. Every little bit helps!

Una publicación compartida por Patsy The Wonderdog (@patsythecorryongwonderdog) el


A su vez, se afirma que Patsy se mantuvo siempre tranquila y obediente.


Debido a sus actos, la perrita se ha ganado cientos de halagos en las redes sociales.



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