Debido a la cuarentena para evitar la propagación del coronavirus, hay muchos usuarios en redes sociales, que extrañan salir a la calle, por eso te presentamos un perrito de nombre Rasta que ha recorrido varios paisajes de su natal Suiza.



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I’M A SON OF MOTHER NATURE . 🎥 @michelphotography_ch . And we all are her children...❤️

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A través de su cuenta de Instagram, el can raza Pastor Blanco te lleva de paseo con fotos de ensueño con las que puedes darte una idea de cómo es vivir en aquel país europeo.



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RASTA’S SOULMATES 🙏 . 🎥 @michelphotography_ch . Rasta's soul mates Today was one of those days where you ask yourself - what's next. You know my mom and me - we always try to see the positive and spread it around the world. But also with my mom at the time of the corona crisis doubts arise whether all this will be okay again. Although we actually only have positive feedback on our actions, a private message came today with the content "Get a job". My mom took that down pretty hard. From one second to the other she was without energy, she felt drained and wanted to give it all up. I guess it wasn't her day, either. When she brought this up in the last post, something incredible happened. Hundreds of comments reached us, showed us their love, their support, their energy and wiped away this single comment bit by bit. My mom had tears in her eyes and said to me: these are our soulmates, Rasta - it is because of them that we do all this. And it is important that we keep doing it. My mom wants to thank you all from the bottom of her heart. She felt so much energy in all of these words that she got caught up and focused on the positive again - because we all know - there is enough of the negative. There are not enough words to express how much this meant to us. . LOVE 💕

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En las imágenes de este perrito que se ha convertido en un influencer se aprecian valles, cascadas, lagos, montañas o simplemente posa a un costado de radiantes flores que logró captar su ama Michel.



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GET A JOB . 🎥 @michelphotography_ch . As you may have noticed, my mom and I are trying to free ourselves from the tightening financial noose. And yes, we have to try different things to do that. Today someone wrote me - get a job. That's pretty painful, since my mom is working practically around the clock without earning a single centime. And yes - photography is a job too. Only if you can't photograph weddings because of the crisis and can't sell photos to hotels or tourism organizations - then it's going to be very difficult to work. Such statements hurt my mom so much because she has been willingly giving information about hotels, routes, paths, etc. for over 6 years - without even asking for money. If such people don't follow us anymore, it is completely ok for us. We give a lot of energy outside - such statements are just out of place and just hurt.

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THANK YOU ❤️🙏 . 🎥 @michelphotography_ch . IMPORTANT MESSAGE . As you may have seen in the stories - the state has not helped us little ones in the Corona crisis, contrary to initial information. Because of the Corona crisis my mom can work (photograph), but she doesn't earn any money and doesn't receive any emergency aid from the state. Her most important source of income - the weddings - are now being cancelled one by one. Also the touristic activities, which we had from time to time, are suspended until further notice. This situation will probably last until summer. Therefore, my mom had to think about how she could financially survive the time until then. Unfortunately my mom is not a millionaire, because then she would not have to worry. Therefore she resorts to means she actually hates - she asks for support. And so that it is not just a donation, she sells digital copies of my photos. A digital copy costs 100 francs. With that you support us so that we can at least pay our fixed costs until the end of the crisis. Each of the pictures on my account is available as a digital copy. If you don't have a Paypal account, you can also transfer the amount through a bank account. Then you will receive a link to your digital copy, which you can use and print for private purposes. We hope that there will be no misuse of it. We put a lot of energy into our work and hope that we can count on your honesty. So if you want a digital copy of a picture, please transfer the amount of 100 Swiss Francs to and send me an email with a screenshot of the desired picture. So I can send you the digital copy in full resolution to your mail address. My mom and I - we would like to thank everyone who supports us during this time. We will continue to entertain you and delight your hearts, even if at the moment with a limited budget and rather from our region, the Bernese Oberland. If this is too much for you - I understand. We all just try to survive❤️ From the bottom of my heart - thank you. Rasta and Mom

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HAPPY DOG - HAPPY FOLLOWERS ❤️ . 🎥 @michelphotography_ch . @bonigen_iseltwald @dulaciseltwald

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IN MY BED . 🎥 @michelphotography_ch . @ilovebrienz

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