Foto: Instagram / realfashionist Berrido asegura que su excelente condición se atribuye a su disciplina  

Jacqueline Berrido, quien fue nombrada por The Sun como la "abuelita más hermosa del mundo" ha sido sumamente disciplinada con ella misma para poder lograr ese cuerpo y rostro tan bien cuidados.



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Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all? ???? WIN THIS DRESS ???Christmas Glamour GIVEAWAY ❤️ My gorgeous dress from the picture ✨✨?WIN, ENTER NOW??? It is so easy for you to enter. See my stories to see who won previous dresses??The future winner has to send me the picture in this dress too, in order to be able to show it in the same way, to everyone ? In order to ENTER TO WIN you must: Enter on my post from 4 days ago 1. Follow @realfashionist 2. Follow @boutiquecholpon on Instagram 3. In the comments Bellow just tag 2 friends who would also love to win. - Anyone who doesn't follows @realfashionist and the @boutiquecholpon accounts on Instagram are disqualified from the contest. The contest will take 1 week and I will choose random one of you. The Winner will be announced on 4th December 2018. Time: 22:30 CET time zone. On this same post the name of the winner will appear in the first line. And than, you can book romantic weekend by @hotelpalazzobarbarigo in Venice and ask the same question this gorgeous antique mirror, as I did ?❤️ Love you my beautiful divine souls and wish you all good luck #grandmotherthatlovesfashion ❤️#lovegetsloveinreturn #bethebestversionofyourself #italy #venice #grandcanale #grancanalevenice #wakeupyourdivineside #love #myangel #rememberstefan?? #nofasterthanlife

Una publicación compartida de Zaklina Berrido Pisano (@realfashionist) el

Empezó a subir fotos a Instagram a petición de su hijo Stefan, quien murió en 2016. Por eso, muy seguido termina sus publicaciones con #rememberStefan. Su hijo le insistía en que debe de presumir su belleza al mundo.



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Congratulations ??????????? The winner is @mrs_nikitovic ????? Please send us your contact through DM. ???Christmas Glamour GIVEAWAY ❤️ My gorgeous dress from the picture ✨✨?WIN, ENTER NOW??? Ill make it so easy for you. See my stories to see who won previous dresses??The future winner has to send me the picture in this dress too, in order to be able to show it in the same way, to everyone ? In order to ENTER TO WIN you must: 1. Follow @realfashionist 2. Follow @boutiquecholpon on Instagram 3. In the comments Bellow just tag 2 friends who would also love to win. - Anyone who doesn't follows @realfashionist and the @boutiquecholpon accounts on Instagram are disqualified from the contest. The contest will take 1 week and I will choose random one of you. The Winner will be announced on 4th December 2018. Time: 22:30 CET time zone. On this same post the name of the winner will appear in the first line. Love you my beautiful divine souls and wish you all good luck #grandmotherthatlovesfashion ❤️Выиграй это нереальное платье. Рождественский гламурный гив эвей. Для того чтобы учавствовать в гиве тебе всего лишь необходимо: 1. Подпишись на @realfashionist 2. Подпишись на @boutiquechilpon 3. В комментариях под этим фото отмечай двоих друзей . Все кто не подпишется на вышеупомянутые аккаунты будет дисквалифицирован. Гив будет длится неделю и я рандомно выберу одного из вас. Победителя я оглашу 4 декабря 2018 в 22.30 по среднеевропейскому времени. В это же время вы увидите имя победителя ? Люблю вас мои дорогие и желаю всем удачи!#lovegetsloveinreturn #bethebestversionofyourself #italy #venice #grandcanale #grancanalevenice #wakeupyourdivineside #love #myangel #rememberstefan?? #nofasterthanlife

Una publicación compartida de Zaklina Berrido Pisano (@realfashionist) el

La también empresaria narra que nació en la pobreza y que para salir de ahí, se volvió en exceso disciplinada. Practica deporte a diario desde los 10 años, habla cinco idiomas, tiene una hija de 30 años y dos pequeñas nietas.


Jacqueline explica que a parte de ejercitarse a diario, come saludablemente; orgánico, verduras, carne, pescados y mariscos. En la medida de lo posible, evita los rayos del sol, no fuma y cuida su citis.



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