Publicado enColumna invitada AAA

A lo que nos vamos a enfrentar

El pasado jueves 14 de mayo se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF) el acuerdo que define la estrategia para la reapertura de actividades económicas, bautizado por el presidente López Obrador “el regreso a la nueva normalidad”. El plan consistirá en 3 etapas: la primera -dará inicio el lunes 18 de mayo-, […]

Publicado enColumna invitada AAA

What we are going to face

Last Thursday, May 14 the agreement that stablishes the economic activity reopening, baptized President López Obrador as the return to the new normality, was published. This plan consists of 3 stages: the first -which will start on Monday, May 18-, where the reopening of the so-called Municipalities of Hope will take place. There are 324 […]

Publicado enColumna invitada AAA

Wear face masks, #TheeWillBeTime

Today, we are living difficult times in the country. Coronavirus has greatly impacted the public health system, which had already been dragging several deficiencies for a long time. And not only that, the virus has generated a lot of uncertainty, because util today we cannot be sure about the actual dimension of the problem and […]