Today, we are living difficult times in the country. Coronavirus has greatly impacted the public health system, which had already been dragging several deficiencies for a long time. And not only that, the virus has generated a lot of uncertainty, because util today we cannot be sure about the actual dimension of the problem and not only the future sanitary consequences, but the economic as well.


Until Monday the 27th, the country exceeded the amount of 14,500 confirmed cases and 1,300 deaths. Considering this situation, a few days ago, the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López Gatell announced the beginning of Phase 3 of the pandemic, which implies that there will be an accelerated progression of infections and hospitalization in the country. Because of this, he informed that the social distancing and isolation measures will continue. Consequently, the use of face masks is vital in order to reduce the probability of contagion, even in some states, its use has become mandatory.


In this way, it is particularly important to follow the indications provided by health experts, specially to prevent hospitals from becoming saturated with coronavirus patients, also so that that they can care for regular patients. Also, I would like to acknowledge the health personnel, the doctors and nurses, who with their dedication and selflessness, have put their lives at risk to save those of others. For all the above, it is impossible for me to understand all the attacks and discrimination they have suffered on the public transport or even at their own homes.


Also, in the middle of this situation, we are faced with another problem, which is society’s division. There have been more questions about the information the government provides regarding the pandemic, the strategy that is being implemented at a national level, or the financial supports the State and Municipal governments have decided to provide. Some media outlets have even call out not to follow or to challenge the health experts’ instructions, such as social distancing. Many others have been spreading fake news with the objective of discrediting the local authorities.


To all these people, it should be clear that this is a time to show their support. This is the time to put aside our individual economic and political interests, for a greater good such as the health and well-being of all. These days, the last thing people are interested in are confrontations, because they are much more concerned about the food, they and their families will eat that day and the financial plans they had for a better future.


One thing I am sure of is that we must face this crisis together, in unity. Therefore, people who continue to divide will no be seen well, and those who are thinking about getting political leverage out of this, will pay for it.


Regardless of ideology or political interests, there will time to do it, now more than ever It is necessary to stay together to face these complicated times. For this reason, I invite the entire political class to wear face masks in order to speak lees and to wear gloves in order to do more. This will not be the last crisis, the economic one will follow, so we must be prepared to face it. Today, more than ever, our union is vital.




* Arturo Ávila Anaya, IBN/B Analitycs President and National Security Expert by Harvard (NIS).

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