LOS ÁNGELES. A continuación, lista completa de nominados a los Globos de Oro por la Asociación de Prensa Extranjera de Hollywood (HFPA) y cuyos ganadores se conocerán este domingo en el hotel Beverly Hilton, de Los Ángeles.


Mejor cinta dramática


Boyhood, Foxcatcher, The imitation, Game Selma y The theory of everything.


Mejor cinta comedia o musical


Birdman, The grand Budapest Hotel, Into the woods y Pride St. Vincent.


Actriz en cinta comedia o musical


Amy Adams, Big eyes; Emily Blunt, Into the woods; Julianne Moore, Map to the stars; Quvenzhané Wallis, Annie Helen Mirren, The hundred-foot journey.


Actriz en cinta dramática


Jennifer Aniston, Cake; Felicity Jones, The theory of everything; Julianne Moore, Still; Alice Rosamund Pike, Gone girl y Reese Witherspoon, Wild.


Actor en cinta drama


Steve Carell, Foxcatcher; Benedict Cumberbatch, The imitation game; Jake Gyllenhaal, Nightcrawler; David Oyelowo, Selma; Eddie Redmayne, The theory of everything.


Actor en comedia o musical


Ralph Fiennes, Grand Budapest Hotel; Michael Keaton, Birdman; Bill Murray, St. Vincent; Joaquin Phoenix, Inherent; Vice Christoph Waltz, Big eyes.


Mejor actriz reparto cine


Patricia Arquette, Boyhood; Jessica Chastain, A most violent year; Keira Knightley, The imitation game; Emma Stone, Birdman; Meryl Streep, Into the woods.


Mejor actor reparto cine


Robert Duvall, The judge; Ethan Hawke, Boyhood; Edward Norton, Birdman; Mark Ruffalo, Foxcatcher; J.K, Simmons, Whiplash.


Mejor director


Wes Anderson, Grand Budapest Hotel; David Fincher, Gone girl; Ava Duvernay, Selma; Alejandro González Iñárritu, Birdman; Richard Linklater, Boyhood.


Mejor cinta animada


Big Hero 6, The book of life, Boxtrolls, How to train your, Dragon 2, The lego movie.


Cinta extranjera


Force Majeure (Suecia); Gett: The trial of Viviane Amsalem (Francia); Ida (Polonia); Leviathan (Rusia); Tangerines (Estonia).


Canción original


"Big Eyes", Big Eyes; Lana del Rey, "Glory"; Selma, John Legend and Common; "Mercy is", Noah; Patty Smith and Lenny K, "Opportunity"; Annie, "Yellow flicker beat; "The hunger games: Mockingjay part I"; Lorde.


Partitura original


The imitation game", "The theory of everything", "Gone girl", "Birdman", "Interstellar".




Wes Anderson, The grand Budapest Hotel; Gillian Flynn, Gone girl; Alejandro González Inárritu, Nicolas Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris Jr., Birdman; Richard Linklater, Boyhood; Graham Moore, The imitation game; Michelle Monaghan, True detective.




Mejor serie dramática


"The affair downton", "Abbey", "Game of Thrones", "The good wife", "House of cards".


Mejor serie comedia


"Girls", "Jane the virgin", "Orange is the new black", "Silicon", "Valley transparent".


Actriz en serie dramática


Claire Danes, "Homeland"; Viola Davis, "How to get away with murder"; Julianna Margulies, "The good wife"; Ruth Wilson, "The affair"; Robin Wright, "House of cards".


Actriz en serie de comedia


Lena Dunham, "Girls"; Edie Falco, "Nurse"; Jackie Julia Louis-Dreyfus, "Veep"; Gina Rodriguez, "Jane the Virgin"; Taylor Schilling, "Orange is the new black".


Actor en serie comedia


Louis C.K., Louie Don Cheadle, House of Lies Ricky Gervais, Derek William H. Macy, Shameless Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent


Actriz de reparto


Uzo Aduba, "Orange is the New Black"; Kathy Bates, "American horror story"; Joanne Froggatt, "Downton Abbey"; Allison Janney, "Mom"; Michelle Monaghan, "True detective".


Actor de reparto


Matt Bomer, "The normal heart"; Alan Cumming, "The good wife"; Colin Hanks, "Fargo"; Bill Murray, "Olive"; Kitteridge Jon Voight, Ray Donovan.


Mejor cinta para tv o miniserie


Fargo The Missing True Detective The Normal Heart Olive Kitteridge


Actor en cinta para tv o miniserie


Martin Freeman, "Fargo"; Woody Harrelson, "True detective": Matthew Mcconaughey, "True detective"; Mark Ruffalo, "The normal heart Billy", Bob Thornton, Fargo


Actriz de reparto en serie, miniserie o cinta para TV


Uzo Aduba", "Orange is the New Black"; Kathy Bates, "American Horror Story: Freak show Johane Frogat"; Downton Abbey Allison Janney, "Mom Michelle Monaghan", True Detective.


Actor de reparto en serie, miniserie o cinta para TV


Matt Bomer, "The normal heart"; Alan Cumming, "The good wife"; Colin Hanks, "Fargo"; Bill Murray, "Olive"; Kitteridge Jon Voight, "Ray Donovan".




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