Foto: Cuartoscuro La senadora Kenia López adelantó que de mantenerse como está, votarán en contra de la minuta que les enviará la Cámara de Diputados, por la que desaparecen 109 fideicomisos.  

The Parliamentary Group of the National Action Party in the Senate of the Republic, proposed holding an open Parliament to listen to all the sectors involved and “that in this case, unlike what happened in the Chamber of Deputies, the commitments that they are done, they are respected and they are fulfilled, ”reported Senator Kenia López.

He advanced that if they remain as they are, they will vote against the minute that the Chamber of Deputies will send them, by which 109 trusts disappear.

He considered that what was approved by the co-legislator "violates multiple human rights and goes against the principle of progressivity."

Therefore, he said that with the destruction of the 109 trusts, the Government will deprive Mexicans of access to better conditions of education, research, innovation, culture, sports, environment, and also, unfortunately, the civil protection structure will be dismantled in disaster cases.

"From human rights, I want to draw the attention of two trusts that are disappearing: first, the Comprehensive Aid and Assistance and Reparation Fund and, second, the Fund for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists."

