La Policía Metropolitana de Londres, Inglaterra, abatió a un hombre luego de que presuntamente atacara con un cuchillo a varias personas, en el barrio de Streatham.
A través de su cuenta de Twitter indicó que resultado de los hechos hay varias personas heridas.
#INCIDENT A man has been shot by armed officers in #Streatham. At this stage it is believed a number of people have been stabbed. The circumstances are being assessed; the incident has been declared as terrorist-related. Please follow @metpoliceuk for updates
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) February 2, 2020
"Las circunstancias se están evaluando; el incidente fue declarado como acto relacionado con el terrorismo", se lee en un mensaje.
#BREAKING: London police shoot man dead in the area of Streatham following possible stabbing attack. Witnesses say the suspect may have had something strapped to his chest.
— UA News (@UrgentAlertNews) February 2, 2020
Asimismo, pidió a los ciudadanos mantenerse al pendiente de las actualizaciones sobre el caso.
3 people stabbed, they're on the floor, not sure if dead or alive, and the responsible had a knife. Fires were shot from the police.#streatham #news
— Gabriel Vigo (@gabzvigo) February 2, 2020
Looks like this was another terror attack in London. Armed officers run away from the attacker after he was shot dead because he had a device strapped to him.
Im sick of this. Time to move out of London.#streatham
— Mark (@markantro) February 2, 2020